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Prop Identification

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  • Prop Identification

    Greetings to All -
    I'm new a this - please bear with me if I do something stupid..

    I own a wooden propellor in a fairly good condition.
    The hub has the following markings:
    No 43
    D 274,6
    SP 173
    PK 450
    The hub has a 10 bolt pattern and there are brass trim leading edges and tips - so I guess it may have been a float version. PK is very likely the Dutch or German abbreviation for Horse Power. D must be diameter in centimeters and I know that Ratier was/is a French firm that used to built propellors.

    This is as far as I got - I would be very grateful for some further info!

  • #2

    I have access to some Ratier docs.

    Serial 43 is a wooden propeller for a Breguet a/c with a 280 HP Renault engine. So, your "43" is not the serial number, and have to be the prop number (on Ratier props, prop number begins at 1 in each serial).

    And the only prop with 1.73 meter pitch for a 450 HP engine I could find was 3.00 meter long.

    In France, ten holes hubs are typical from the mid-twenties to mid-thirties for high power engines.

    Could you post clear close-up pictures of the 4 sides of the hub? Or send them to pmdecombeix at yahoo dot com (at=@)?



    • #3
      Ratier prop


      Thanks a lot for your quick reply!

      I am presently en route but will try to post pictures over the weekend or send them directly.

      I was told some time ago that the propellor might come from a Fokker CV, a light bomber/reconnaisance biplane used end twenties to end thirties, perhaps in this case by the Dutch Naval Air Force.

      Best regards,


      • #4
        Dear PMDEC
        Please find attached some photos - I will send some more to you directly.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Hi Hobbyist,

          The shape of the prop is the same as 1925-1940 Ratier props, but I have not found any with a 2m746 length and 1m53 nor 1m73 pitch (I am not sure on the picture). But it doesn't imply we will not find it, as we don't know diameter and/nor pitch for all the serials made.

          First, can you check the length of the prop is the "D" marking (2m746)?

          And after that, can you check if you can read the writing in the red box I put on your picture? It have to be the serial, but I can't see if there is a 1 before the 4, and can't read for sure the two last digits (35?).
          On Ratier props for French use, the serial is often repeated on one of the flat sides of the hub. Have a look, please.

          There are "holes" in my docs between 400 and 499, and between 1400 and 1499, but I have some books where I can search if I know if the serial is 4xx or 14xx.

          Last edited by pmdec; 04-17-2019, 10:25 AM.


          • #6
            Hi PM,

            I think I found it - it is: S 445 .



            • #7

              Ratier serial 445 wad made in 1926 for Fokker C V fitted with a 450 HP Hispano.
              In this serial:
              - Props n°1 to 7 were lacquered and sold to "Mr. Grootenhuis, Rotterdam" for 90 florins between August and November 1926.
              - Props n°8 to 11 were varnished and sold in June 1927 to the same people with a 20% higher price because they were made with one piece laminations (so, they can't be the one of this thread as pictures show all laminations are not made from one piece of wood.
              - Prop n°11 has been sold in France to Wibault.
              - I don't know if more were made.

              BUT : these props were 2m95 dia and 1m60 pitch.

              I think the prop of this thread is a modified Ratier serial 445.
              Does somedy knows the meaning of "GEW" (probably a Dutch or a Deutsch abbreviation)?

              One picture sent by Hobbyist shows the remains of a decal. Could anybody recognize it?

              Last edited by pmdec; 04-17-2019, 10:25 AM.

