Can you give me an idea as to the value of my 8 feet 4 inches long Westmoore propeller?
The following is stamped on its hub: OX5, 8.4X5, NO2259, SC 54109.
It has two Westmoore decals on it.
The hub thickness is 4 inches.
The hub diameter is is 7.5 inches.
The hub center bore is about 2 5/8 inches.
The bolt size is about 5/16 inches.
The 8 bolt circle is 5.25 inches.
It has metal covering on the tips; the hub is all wood.
It has not been refinished.
According to your guidelines this propeller was made for a circa 1918 WWI
Curtiss OX-5.
Thank you!
The following is stamped on its hub: OX5, 8.4X5, NO2259, SC 54109.
It has two Westmoore decals on it.
The hub thickness is 4 inches.
The hub diameter is is 7.5 inches.
The hub center bore is about 2 5/8 inches.
The bolt size is about 5/16 inches.
The 8 bolt circle is 5.25 inches.
It has metal covering on the tips; the hub is all wood.
It has not been refinished.
According to your guidelines this propeller was made for a circa 1918 WWI
Curtiss OX-5.
Thank you!